Ready For Summer 2014?

Make friends and memories!
Make friends and memories!

Proper safety, rescue, & skill instruction is the key to a FUN SUMMER of paddling!

[typography font=”Cabin Sketch” size=”40″ size_format=”px”]Start your Adventure Today![/typography][hr]

[threecol_two]IMG_1196[typography font=”Neucha” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Would you buy a car before you had a license?  Would you let your child drive before they had drivers education training?  When on the water, we feel proper training and coaching is key to not only being safe but to being able to enjoy every second of your water time.[/typography][/threecol_two] [threecol_one_last]380357_773614458807_619895802_nSea Kayak Duo [/threecol_one_last]


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